Showing posts with label Aerobic Exercise. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Aerobic Exercise. Show all posts

Friday, 15 July 2016

Healthy Weight Loss- Your Way To Success

1. Prefer a Low Carb Diet

Prefer taking low carb diet in order to gain benefits of carb restriction. As per various studies, this kind of diet can help you reduce your weight to 2-3 times in comparison to standard low-fat diet and also will make you healthy.

2. Eating in Small Plates is Better

People using small plates have observed eating less calories as per some studies. Seems to be a weird trick but works smartly.

3. Count Your Calories

Eating less also called as portion control or counting calories is found to be very useful for evident reasons. According to some experiments, when you maintain a food dairy and write down your eatables or take pictures of your dishes, helps you lose weight. Since the dairy always reminds you about your food, it proves to be useful.

4. If Hungry, Prefer Healthy Food

Healthy food like fruits will help you prevent from eating something that’s unhealthy like junk foodstuffs when you are excessively hungry.

 Easily portable and simple to prepare snacks like whole fruits, baby carrots, handful of nuts, yogurt and a one/two hard boiled eggs would be the healthiest snacks.

5. Don’t Forget to Brush Your Teeth After Dinner

We have been listening this since our childhood and it’s the studies that say brushing teeth after dinner would prevent weight gain. Amazed! But when you brush your teeth after dinner you don’t feel tempted for having snacks in the middle of night.

6. Spicy Foods, Try Eating Them

Cayenne pepper, one of the spicy foods, contains Capsaicin which can boost metabolism and thus might slightly reduce your appetite.

7. Aerobic Exercise, Do It

Aerobic or cardiovascular exercise burns your calories and helps to improve your physical as well as mental health. If you are finding an exercise to lose your belly fat that tends to build up around your organs leading to metabolic diseases, aerobic exercise is excellent one. 

8. Start Weight Lifting

When you start dieting, it results in muscle loss and decreases your metabolic rate which is also called as starvation mode. To prevent this, resistance exercise like weight lifting would prove beneficial. As per some studies, weight lifting helps to increase your metabolism and prevents loss of muscle loss.