Tuesday 30 August 2016

Donating Blood – You Must Know This!

 Before Blood Donation:

  1. Your diet needs to contain high iron level which can be maintained by consuming iron rich foods like spinach, fish, red meat, poultry, raisins and iron-fortified cereals.
  2. Taking proper sleep at night is a must.
  3. You need to drink extra 16oz (or 2 glasses) of water and fluids prior to donating blood.
  4. In case, you are donating platelets, check if your body is aspirin free for 2 days before the blood donation day.
  5. Don’t forget to bring your donor card or any other form of identity card on the donation day.   

During Blood Donation:

  1. Wear clothes with sleeves that can be raised above the elbow or simply wear sleeveless clothes.
  2. Tell the phlebotomist about your preferred arm or good veins that have been used earlier for successful donations.
  3. While the donation process starts relax, talk to the donors, listen to music or read a book to take your mind away from the activity.
  4. After you finish donating blood, ensure you take some snack or drink some juice in the refreshment area.

After Blood Donation:

  1. Since after blood donation your body is deficient of fluids, intake plenty of fruits or fruit juices over the next 24-48 hours.
  2. Don’t perform strenuous physical activity like heavy weight lifting for at least 5-6 hours after donation. 
  3. Lie down with feet elevated if you feel light headed, until you feel better.
  4. If in case bleeding occurs after the bandage removal, apply pressure to the site and keep your arm raised for 3-5 minutes. If bleeding or bruising is seen under the skin, applying cold pack to the area regularly during the first 24 hours would be better. 
  5. At last, enjoy the feeling which comes after donation that you might have saved as many as 3 people’s lives.

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